Beinsa Douno

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"Healing Recipes" by Beinsa Douno

Healing recipes by The Master Beinsa DounoNERVOUS SYSTEM AND HEAD DISEASES

I. Nervousness, nervous weakness, neurasthenia
II. Headache
III. Facial Neuralgia
IV. Insomnia
V. Internal nose inflammation
VI. Meningitis
VII. Tingle in the ears
VIII. Ringing in the ears
IX. Purulent flow from the ears
X. Ear inflammation
XI. Inflamed and bloodshot eyes
XII. Weakened vision
XIV. Inflamed Gums.
XV. Toothache
XVI. Hair loss
XVII. Stuttering
XVIII. Sore throat
XIX. Palsy
XX. Mentally Ill
XXI. Epilepsy
XXII. Tonsils
XXIII. Fever
XXIV. Malaria
XXV. High temperature
XXVI. Memory Loss


I. Tuberculosis
II. Advice for the weak-chested, susceptible to frequent diseases
III. Coughing
IV. Hiccups
V. Breast pang
VI. Pleuritis
VII. Pneumonia
VIII. Stiff Back
I. Tachycardia
II. Weak heart and feet edema
III. Cardiac spasm
IV. Anemia
V. Influenza
VI. Cold
VII. Runny nose
VIII. Blood-stopping methods
IX. Nettle Rash
X. Cancer
XI. Varicose veins
XII. Furuncles
XIII. Scrofula
XIV. Arteriosclerosis
XV. High blood pressure
XVI. Low blood pressure


I. Diabetes
II. Gastritis
III. Disturbed stomach
IV. Stomach Acids
V. Stomach and abdominal pain
VI. Stomach or Duodenum Ulcer
VII. Pylorus Constriction
VIII. Purulent Colitis
IX. Constipation
X. Diarrhea and dysentery
XI. Appendicitis
XII. Inflammation of the blind-gut
XIII. Hemorrhoids
XIV. Liver disorder (slight enlargement)
XV. Albumin in the urine and renal inflammation
XVI. Kidney sand
XVII. Gallbladder sand and gallbladder stones
XVIII. Bedwetting in children


I. Plague
II. Cholera
III. Jaundice
IV. Mumps
V. Chickenpox
VI. Scarlet fever


I. Rheumatism
II. Sciatica
III. Purulent
IV. Blood poisoning
IV. Eczema
V. Bruised areas
VI. If an alien body penetrates a muscle or in case of deep purulent abscess
VII. Goitre
VIII. White spots on the nails
IX. Strengthening methods
X. Weakness in the legs





Where to buy:

1. Healing Recipes Paperback E-Book

2. Healing Recipes Paperback Book

"Healing Recipes" by Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov)


II. Headache

The reasons for the headache are numerous, but mostly it is caused by troubles and worries.

First option:
1. The one, who has a headache, may spend some time at a high mountain, where he must expose his spine to the sun, but only to the early morning rays, when the sun rises and a little time after that, and not later.
2. Drink only warm water, every night wash your feet and every second day – the groins also with warm water.
3. Put some strawberry leaves for 5 minutes in hot water and resulting liquid is to be drunk every time a headache appears.
4. In some cases the following thing can also be done: a magnetic person must put his both hands on the temples of the one suffering from headache and it can go away, because a magnetic field is formed, which takes away the energy, accumulated in the head.

Second option:
Put some warm leaven on the temples, as that place must be smeared with some olive-oil in advance; the leaven stays there for about 10 hours. This can be done 2-3 times a week. The leaven acts magnetically, and that is why I recommend it not only for headache, but also for meningitis. The leaven and milk compress are to be preferred to the cold compresses. When you treat or are being treated, you must pray.

Third option:
If your head aches, you must drink 3 glasses of hot water in gulps. And after that you should take a purgative; when you relief your stomach, you will then take a warm bath and go to bed. You must not stay long in the bathroom. If your stomach aches, the head will always ache as well and vice versa. Sometimes one suffers from headache and from insufficient blood in the head — in the brain. Indeed there should not be a lot of blood in the head but there shouldn’t be less than necessary either.

IV. Insomnia

First option:
The sick goes to bed early. He must wash his feet with warm water every night, before going to bed. He must connect to healthy people, for a healthy person has a positive effect through his health. The sick person must turn to vegetarianism. He must look at everything with calmness and optimism. In the mornings, at 5 a.m. he must come to the Izgrev area for gymnastics. He must drink hot water in the morning, at noon and in the evening, and he must sing, he must sing a lot!

Second option:
If you can’t fall asleep for a long time, rub your body with a towel, soaked in warm water, and go to bed.

XII. Weakened vision

This is caused by troubles. Try to find out what God’s will is and you will bring peace inside of you. Apply the following methods:
1. Using your both thumbs, make circles back and forth on each eye. You start from the inner corner of the eye and end the circle again at that point. You will make to types of circles – forward and reverse.
2. Then make a lot of circles in only one direction, without interruption, passing the thumbs on the eyebrows and below the eye.
3. Write an 8 on the eyes with one thumb, and then with the other. The left hand balances magnetism, and the right hand – electricity. The thumb is an expression of the Devine world. The foundation of the Devine world is Love, and that is why the Mont of Venus is located at the base of the thumb, on the side of the palm.
4. It is recommended to make eye-baths with lukewarm water, left to warm-up in the sun. The water is placed in wide containers, the eyes are dipped inside and kept open in it for a minute or two.
5. Drink sun-warmed water.
6. Wash your entire face three-four times a day with warm water.
7. It is very good to practice eye gymnastics as well – this is done in the morning and at night in standing position. During all motions of the eyes, the head must be kept still – let the eyes exercise, and not the muscles of the neck.
Day one. Starting position: eyes look straight ahead.
a) Without moving your head, move the eyes ten times to the left and ten times from the left to the front.
b) Move the eyes ten times to the right and ten times from the right to the front.
c) Move the eyes ten times from the left to the right and ten times from the right to the left.
Day two. Starting position: the head is upright and the eyes are looking down or ahead.
a) Move the eyes ten times to the left and ten times from the left to the front.
b) Move the eyes ten times to the right and ten times from the right to the front.
c) Move the eyes ten times from the left to the right and ten times from the right to the left.
Day three. Do the exercises from day one and day two, then proceed with the following exercises:
a) Move the eyes ten times from the centre to the left and ten times from the left to the right.
b) Move the eyes ten times from the front to the right and ten times from the right to the front.
c) Move the eyes ten times from the left to the right and ten times from the right to the left.
From the fourth day perform the exercises, already performed in day three and continue that for ten days. Then proceed with a ten-day break. Then repeat the cycle of exercises, already performed in the first ten days. Then proceed with another ten-day break and only after that start with more complex eye movements, applying the following mixed exercise:
à) The eyes look up and front, then shift them to the horizontal position looking front – do that five times in a row.
b) The eyes look down and front then shift them to the horizontal position and front; do that ten times in a row.
c) The eyes look up and front, then move them down and to the front; do that ten times in a row.
d) The eyes look up and to the left, then shift them to the horizontal position and left; do that ten times in a row.
e) The eyes look down and to the left, then shift them to the horizontal position and left; do that ten times in a row.
f) The eyes look up and to the left, then shift them down and to the left; do that ten times in a row.
g) The eyes look up and to the right and then shift them to the horizontal position and right; do that ten times in a row.
h) The eyes look up and to the right then shift them to the horizontal position and right; do that ten times in a row.
i) The eyes look up and to the right, then shift them down and to the right; do that ten times in a row.

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Master Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov) - Books, E-Books, Paperback Books, Music, The Pentagram, Paneurhythmy, Biography