Man’s health depends on the following four things: the power of his soul, the goodness of his soul, the brightness of his mind and the mildness of his heart. In order one to gain these qualities, he shall have knowledge. Everybody has a soul, a heart and a mind, but not everybody has managed to develop such qualities in himself, which to make him healthy.
Health is related not only to the physical world, but also to the heart and mental ones. It is a result of the function of the higher laws, i.e. the laws of the Rational world. To be healthy means to be in harmony with the Original Reason of things, with your fellow men and with yourself.
Physical health is based exclusively on man’s virtues. One, who is good, does not fall ill. If he begins to doubt good, he begins to fall ill. If one, who is ill, believes in good, he will recover by no means.
One, who wants to be in robust health, has to be connected to God by no means, to have a constant inflow of Divine energy. You cannot be healthy, if you are not magnetic. When man feels that his nerves are exhausted, this means that he has demagnetized. Then he cannot hold the Divine thoughts, which only pass through him, without leaving anything. What will happen to a plant, if it does not accept the rainy drops and does not use them? You think that one, who is on the Earth, lives. As long as one is on the Earth, he is only tested. When the test is over, he is sent to another place.
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"Health Guide" by Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov)
Reasons for Diseases
One, who does not know the reason of a disease, he cannot treat it. Each disease has its distant or close reason. By going along the right road of life, man easily solves his tasks, he does not breach the laws of Nature. Each breach or diversion leads to a disease. The diversion may have happened many years ago, but the consequences come today. One, who finds the reason of his disease, recovers easily. If he does not find it, the disease does not leave him. Diseases are due to breaking of the Divine laws. One, who does not obey these laws, various sediments accumulate in his organism, in his stomach – various acids, and he gets ill. Nature loves those, who follow its laws. It raises them, gives them life in abundance. One, who does not follow its laws – it considers him not fit to use its goods and deprives him from all civil rights of its kingdom. Such a man is exposed to lots of diseases and misfortunes. You may treat yourselves, if you correct your sins. Your sins have created your diseases. How is it explained that the reasons for diseases are spiritual? The negative or destructive thoughts or feelings initially are in the invisible bodies of man: astral, mental, etc. After that, they, with their vibrations, come down into the ether body, and from the ether body – into the physical one. When they come down to the physical body, they attack those organs, through their vibration, to which they are related in accordance with the character of their vibrations. They may attack the kidneys, the liver, the heart, and the lungs and destroy them or make them prone to diseases. And then, because of the smallest external reason, the organism gets ill. Remember: each disease is a result from a committed crime in the past or presently. Not knowing that, doctors think that they can cope with the diseases. Till when will this continue? Till people come to the understanding to look for the reasons for the diseases in themselves and when they find them, to eliminate them. There are two reasons for being ill: either you do not love, or you are not loved. All diseases are due to sins and crimes. In order the doctor to be able to treat the ill person, he shall go deep in the reason of diseases. Nature sends diseases as a way of correcting the crimes. Some people are scared of the law of inheritance, but this law is a blessing, because in this way, one sin, which is handed down to the fourth generation, is eliminated. One good thought is handed down to many generations, which means that the good is stronger than the evil. If you do not do another crime during that time, thousands of years you will benefit of one good deed. If you make a mistake and you do not correct it, your fortune will follow you from four to ten generations. Sometimes when the father is a genius, the son is not. Fathers are weak in handing down their geniality to their children. Mothers may hand down more things to their sons than their fathers. Geniality is handed down by female line, by the line of feelings. The reasons for diseases is hidden in the astral world, and the consequences manifest in the physical one. That is why people complaint of pains in the head, heart, lungs, stomach, etc. One, who wants to treat himself, first he shall find the reason for his illness in the astral world. When he eliminates the reason, the disease will leave him. There are organic diseases, which hide their origin in man’s distant past. When a disease embeds in the astral body, it gradually goes into the mind, and from there – to the physical body. In order man to recover, this disease shall go away from his mind. One bitter feeling or one inconsistent thought causes physical diseases. When the reason is removed, the disease disappears. Many diseases are due to disorders in feelings. Many diseases are due to disorders in the mind. When the diseases are due to mental disorders, they affect the muscular system and the lungs. When the disorders are mainly of sensual character, they affect the heart, the liver, the respiratory system and the blood vessels. Diseases and painful states are due to a lack of music and harmony in man. If you have a headache, the reason is in the stomach. If you have a stomachache, the reason is in the head. Diseases come after the law of reflection. There is one internal thread in Nature, which passes the good and evil features of the whole Life. This law exists in each man, too. If you have a look at somebody, you will see that he is entangled in threads of the darkness and of the light. When one of the dark threads passes round him, he will be in bad state. If one of the light threads comes by him, he will be in good state. The mixing of the dark threads with the light ones constantly creates the good and bad states. The threads of the light shall surmount the ones of the darkness. The nice, bright, noble, and moral feelings are creations of the threads of the light. There are invisible creatures, in the interest of which is they to excite the energies in man, in order to benefit from him. When one is angry, they use that energy and make him powerless. I watch how these creatures come. They come in groups, sit round the man and begin to impose on him negative thoughts till they predispose him. When they achieve their aim, they go away and watch what he will do. Behind each disease, creatures of different level of development are hidden: strong or weak, good or bad. Most of them are bad, with low culture. This is not a scientific explanation for diseases, but a delusion for many people. In spite of this, I say: behind each disease, creatures, which have dropped behind in their spiritual development, are hidden. When the parents quarrel, children become ailing. Where there is love between the parents, children are healthy. If you make a mistake, you will feel a pain either in the stomach, in the heart, in the lungs, or in the legs, or in the elbow, or in the intestines, or in the toes, or in the backbone, or in the liver – the localization of the diseases in the various places show what kind of a mistake you have made. Nature has a particular medicine. If you have laughed at somebody’s illness, that illness will surely visit you. Find the person at whom you have laughed and apologize him. When you apologize and prove that you understand the situation of the ones, who suffer, the illness will leave you. When somebody hates you, he sends, through his eyes, fiery waves towards you and if your nervous system is upset, something bad may reach you. Some people curse and their words are so strong that their curses may happen and the said words may hit. Many of your states and diseases are somebody else’s, adopted by you through suggestion. You have seen somebody with a broken leg, you have experienced his state and after a while the same place is painful for you. As the pain has come after a suggestion, it has to go away in the same way. The Earth, as a living creature, has its own horoscope, its own path, along which it walks. Its path now is not as smooth as it used to be earlier. Sometimes the Earth passes through certain perturbations. People often are infected with these influences of the Earth and the various epidemic diseases occur in this way. Thousands and millions of people die from these diseases. A doctor comes, hurries through the patient, feels his pulse, writes down a recipe and goes out. One is not treated in this way. There are diseases, which result from discouragement, overwork, cold. The reason may be the back part of the brain. Some diseases may result from the destructive abilities, others – from too much or random eating. Some diseases may be also a result from mixing of heterogeneous food, others – from a split between the mind and heart; third ones – from breaking of the law of love and thousands of reasons more may be listed. If the law of faith is broken, the nervous system upsets. If there is a split between the sympathetic nervous system and the brain nervous system, disorder is again caused. If one gets discouraged, if he loses hope, disagreement appears between the muscles and the bones. More blood comes to some places, and more energy gathers at others. Some diseases are due to the reason that man has come into clash with people or into clash with himself. So, it is not easy at all to be a real doctor, and not only a doctor with a label or a company. The reason for the rheumatism is not the moisture in the room. If the moisture was the reason for the rheumatism, how you are going to explain the illness of somebody, who lives in a hygienic, comfortable environment, where there is no moisture? All diseases in the world are results from the breach of God’s law. The reason of each disease shall be looked for far away. If we live after a Divine way, a day will come, when our bodies will be right away cleaned of all kinds of dregs, which cause diseases today. Some physicists consider that if electricity of 10 - 20 thousand of volts or 100 000 volts is applied to the human organism, it would renovate in a very short time. If you retain a Divine desire in yourself, you consciously block yourself, as a result of which you expose yourselves to lots of diseases. All diseases are results of exactly that blocking, caused by non-fulfillment of the Divine desires, which make you do good. People get ill only because they break their connection with the Divine world, as a result of which they deprive themselves of the energies of that world. There is satiety in the material world, in the spiritual one and in the Divine one. The world is full of surfeited people. All diseases originate from the satiety. While one obeys God’s laws, each cell in his organism is subject to renovation. When he stops obeying these laws, his cells begin to destroy gradually. Each negative thought, each negative feeling causes specific shocks, specific explosions in the cells of the human organism. These shocks affect painfully his organism. The reason for all diseases is hidden in the human wicked and negative thought. Human thoughts penetrate in the intermolecular space of the brain nervous system, and the feelings – into the interatomic space of the sympathetic nervous system. This is exactly the difference between the human thoughts and feelings. If one blocks a thought of his, i.e. if he does not allow it to implement, it will cause an explosion in the brain nervous system. And if he blocks a feeling of his, it will cause an explosion in the sympathetic nervous system. Many people complain of the intense sun and say that it affects their organs badly. The reason for that is not the Sun, but their thoughts and feelings. Bad thoughts and feelings form a dark zone round the Sun, which refracts the solar beams so that it retains a big part of them – the so called black light of the Sun. These black beams are the reason for lots of diseases, as well as for the blackening of the people. It may be concluded from here that the origin of all diseases is hidden in a specific internal refraction of the solar light. Light, which refracts in a descending order, always produces painful states in the human organism. Never stay in the shadow of a tree or in the shadow of somebody else. This is a rule, which may be tried by everybody. Many diseases are due to shadows. Each beam, which has reached a man, is evaporated by his organism and after that it comes out again in the form of a dead light. In the shadow of the flower, of the tree or in the shadow of the house, there is still light under the effect of the direct solar beams, and not of the indirect, i.e. the beams of the shadow. Never stay in shadow. Nothing grows in it. Man cannot keep a certain idea in his mind without it to produce a certain physiological effect on his brain and his nervous system. Knowing the power of the thoughts, of the feelings and of your deeds, you shall be careful about them. One thought, one feeling, one word may cause in the brain and heart of somebody such a tension that it can cripple him. There is no a stronger poison than the negative thoughts, feelings and states of somebody. Fear, hatred, doubt, suspicion are such poisons. They are dregs, which accumulate in blood and poison it. May man be healthy at such states? Disharmonious thoughts upset the brain nervous system; disharmonious feelings upset the sympathetic nervous system, and the disharmonious deeds upset the muscle and bone systems. The physical and psychic lives are closely connected. Our unclean thoughts and desires sometimes leave dregs in our consciousness, as a result of which lots of painful states occur. These dregs accumulate on the spiritual body of man and produce internal perturbations. Some diseases are nothing else, but a result from spells from the past. For each mischief, wickedness or injustice, done to somebody, man perceives his dissatisfaction and spell, which introduces disharmony in his organism and predisposition to diseases. The wishes of people to their fellows, not matter good or bad, reach them finally. Human thoughts are powerful. The way the cart shakes somebody, in the same way the vibrations of rude words, of negative thoughts and feelings cause shaking to the nervous system. It is awful for somebody to keep bad thoughts about somebody else in his mind. Mendacious thoughts accumulate on the consciousness of man as dregs and cause him lots of troubles and sufferings. Negative thoughts make man nervous and indisposed. In order to get rid of bad and negative thoughts, one shall work on his self-education. While thinking, man knows the place of each word and never smears his language. As long as his language is clean, his body will be healthy. If he introduces one unclean word in his language, he smears his thinking. As long as his thinking is smeared, he introduces poison in his organism and after a while he gets ill. Each bad word affects badly the liver. Hygiene forbids man to use negative and disharmonious words. As long as one goes against the hygiene, he upsets his liver. As long as the liver is upset, the nervous system upsets, too, as well as the digestion. In general, bad words affect health badly. If you want to be healthy, use good, positive words. Warmth and light, which are formed by the human feelings and thoughts, affect the organism either favorably or destructively. This depends on their vibrations. The higher and more their vibrations are, the more favorable their effect on the human organism is. Each unpleasant thought is nothing else, but a wandering soul, which has made a sin on the Earth, was not able to finish its development and now it cannot find a place for itself. Sing a song, have a talk. All sad thoughts, which attack you, are suffering souls, which stay tied between the physical and astral worlds and cannot develop. Man shall think only 50% for himself (this shall be the maximum) and 50% about his fellows, if he wants to fulfill God’s law. One shall not be negligent of himself, but he cannot neglect his fellows either. As a result of this diseases occur. When one’s brain activity increases, the activity of the physical body decreases. This is the reason for the big number of nervous people at the present. The larger the brain activity is, the weaker man is. In order his nervous system not to get exhausted, part of his mental powers shall be poured into the heart. The powers of the organism are a result from the sum of the powers of the mind and of the heart. If you look for the reason of the illness of the ears and of the eyes, you will find it in the back part of the brain. When the functions of the back part of the brain does not happen in the right way, man suffers of pain in the ears and in the eyes. When the temporal part of the brain does not function correctly, man complains of pains in the mouth. Knowing that the brain is the reason for lots of diseases, keep it in good shape. When we are talking of good shape of the brain, we have in mind the thoughts, which pass through it. That is why we shall hold the thoughts responsible for the state of health of the brain, and for the state of health of the heart – the feelings. Each thought brings either good or poison to man. The same concerns man’s feelings and desires. In addition, there are thoughts, which show their effect on the organism right away, and others – after a while. I say: introduce into the mind of even the strongest man two controversial thoughts and he will by no means go out of his mind. They cause enormous shaking of the nervous system, disturbance of the internal harmony, or, said in an occult language, going of the human doppelganger out of the body. Another creature takes its place. One, who understands the laws, may turn back the doppelganger and restore the normal state of the man. Two reasons may cause weakening of the eyes: worries and incorrect thoughts. If they can be overcome, the eyesight will improve. God has not created man with glasses. The reason for weakening of the eyesight is that today’s people have no deep philosophical thinking like the first people – the people of the ancient wisdom. Today people live without knowing why they live. They are embarrassed. They do not know what the day of tomorrow will bring them. What are you going to answer to the question: “Why do you live?” We live in order to improve ourselves. We live for God. If they put you to an exam, will you pass it? When one lives for an idea, he is ready for all sacrifices. That is why the idea, because of which one is ready for all sacrifices, shall deserve that. Man’s eyes serve his mind. While his mind functions normally, his eyes will be in good shape. If his mind begins to weaken, one’s physical strength begins gradually to weaken. Man, in whom charity works, has always healthy eyes and ears. Why does one become blind? It is because he has not lived in accordance with the laws of the rational nature. When one worries too much, the anxiety produces concussion first to his stomach system. The concussion is transferred to the lungs from there, from the lungs – to the brain, and from the brain – to the optic nerve. When the optic nerve weakens, man begins gradually to lose his eyesight. In order to restore his eyesight, one shall start to restore the normal state of his organs in a reverse order: first of the brain, then – of the lungs and finally – of the stomach, from where the concussion has originated. After that he has to find the reason for the concussion and eliminate it. According to the occultism, all blind people, all disabled people, whom we meet today on the Earth, are all students, who have not passed their examinations, as a result of which they have left the school. That neurasthenia, which exists all over Europe, is a loosening of the white race. All minds are full only of thoughts about houses, money, conveniences. Material goods have replaced the clean thoughts and clean desires, which give powers to man. If one, who is pious, worries, he will lose his health. If a sinner does not worry and keeps his internal peace, he will always be healthy. God has given brain to man to think and not to worry. It is noticed that good thoughts and feelings have a favorable effect on the digestive system, and bad ones – unfavorable. Voracity and the enormous man’s desire for pleasure upset his stomach system. When the stomach does not work, one’s brain system upsets, too. If you meet somebody with a dry face, yellow and indisposed to work, you shall know that his stomach system is not in good shape. He cannot work. He takes a gloomy view of everything. He has no faith in life. Headache is due to breaking of the laws of the right thought. Correct your thinking and the headache will disappear. Irritability and nervousness are due to an excessive brain energy, which accumulates in the nose. The excessive brain energy upsets the nervous system, hence, do not overwork your mind by useless worries and little things. You ask: what is the reason for the misfortunes in our lives? One of the important reasons for that is the promiscuous killing of mammals, of people. When the souls of the killed go to the astral world, they introduce conditions for nerve diseases and disorders amongst people. The killed criminal moves freely amongst weak-willed people and suggest them feelings for revenge. Certain diseases, bad thoughts and desires, which manifest in you, are causes by some mammals. In order you to get rid of these sufferings, you shall mild your attitude towards the animals. Often the hatred of a dog may have the same effect as the hatred of a man. Do not think that the thoughts of the animals are too weak. No, they are very dangerous for the world. Good man has healthy legs; impartial man has healthy arms; wise man has healthy ears; and one, who loves the truth, has healthy eyes. If one loves God, his mind will be also well developed. When one loses and abandons one of his virtues, he simultaneously loses that organ, which serves this virtue. And when he sinks in the sphere of the sin, man gradually begins to atrophy: the legs, the arms and the rest organs. Today people suffer of various diseases and by not knowing the reason for their manifestation, they cannot heal themselves. The reasons for the diseases are psychic. For example, the reason for a tumor hides in the perversion of the manifestations of love. If avidity occurs in someone, this shows that a certain number of cells in the organism differentiate, want to live separately, to disobey the common order in the organism. In this way, they create their own lodging and form a new country with free government. They work in this way for days, months, years, while the doctor does not come with his artillery against these disobedient citizens and begins to bomb them. Sometimes he succeeds in making them go outside, and sometimes complications occur, which direct man to the other world. However, there is another way for treatment – through grafting. In the way it is done with fruit trees, grafting may be also done in man’s organism, in order saps to be made go upwards. When the energies in the living organism stop, at the place, where this happens, a certain bump appears, which doctors call a tumor. Hence, one, who understands the laws of grafting, he will be able in one or another way to direct the energies in the organism to flow through the bump, too. When they begin to flow through it, it disappears completely. If the new cells manage to take the saps of the cells, which form the tumor, it will not have conditions for development and it will completely disappear. If you all serve love, there will not be ill people. If you have rheumatism, you love is not enough. Each disease is due to an internal insufficiency or to lack of light, or to lack of goodness, or to lack of power. Human love shall be always cleaned. Otherwise it introduces dirt in the organism. It is a reason for the unclean blood in the organism. To purify human love means to replace it by the Divine one. You cannot love and be ill. These are two incompatible things. As long as you love, your face cannot be dark, your eyes cannot be blurred. Love bears life. Phosphorous decreases in the brain, because love has decreased. All elements, which exist at the physical field, are submitted to love, as well as to those elements, of which the spiritual and mental worlds are formed. When hope in man decreases, diseases come. When faith decreases – other diseases come. When Love decreases, the worst diseases come. When you increase them, the diseases will go away. People get ill, because they have broken the law of truth. One, who wants to correct his life and restore his health, he has to come to love the truth. Pride is the reason for many diseases. All diseases are healed through humility. Man gets free of painful states through humility. Each physical defect is due to spiritual reasons. If you hate someone, your chests will suffer, a disease will occur there. If you feel envious, your heart will suffer. From envy, jealousy, doubt, suspicion, the liver will suffer. If you indulge yourselves too much in eating, your stomach will get ill. If you get angry, constipation will begin. If you promise and do not fulfill, headache comes. When you find the reason for the illness, balance will be restored, harmony will be established. When you have a headache, you shall strive to correct your attitude to the Divine world. If you have a chestache, you shall correct your attitude to the spiritual world. If you have a stomachache, you shall correct your attitude to the physical world. Each man’s disease has its deep reasons, it is not random. Contemporary science and medicine do not look for the internal reasons of things. They consider all phenomena in Nature and life in their internal material side. What is the reason for the stitches at certain parts of the body? They are due to shrinking of the capillaries. It is known that the capillaries serve for the circulation. They bring love to all parts of the body. When the capillaries in the zone of the chest shrink, the electricity in the organism, which bears light, cannot function properly along the entire organism, as a result of which in certain zones more of it accumulates, like the water vapor in a steam-boiler, and causes stitches. Often the atmospheric electricity connects to the electricity of the human organism and a small explosion happens, which is felt as pain by man. What shall you do in order you to get rid of the stitches? Introduce more warmth in your organism. This means to change the state of your feelings and in this way you send more blood to that part of your bodies, in which you feel stitches. When that part gets warm, the stitches go away. Hence, man can cure himself by a strong mind, by strong and positive feelings, as well as by hot water. Man shall live normally; obey the laws of nature, in order capillaries not to shrink too much. Shrinking causes infection, and from there – various bumps, stitches, fainting-fits, etc. Each bad thought, each bad feeling and bad deed shrinks the capillaries and stops the flows of electricity and magnetism in human organism. Their rhythms change. Disharmony establishes and man gets ill. People are a system of interconnected vessels, according to which if one gets ill or suffers, thousands of people get ill or suffer together with him. Nature uses symbols and imprints. There is no a crime or good, which is done by somebody and which is not imprinted by nature on his body. It marks all crimes and all virtues. Each disease is due to a spiritual reason. The incorrect relations between close people – a mother and children, brothers and sisters, a man and a woman – cause various diseases. When they correct their relations, the disease disappears. If there is disagreement between a man and a woman in one home, children will by no means be often ill. Children are healthy and well educated, when the mother and the father live in harmony. Some women do not have children, because they did not have to marry or have married too early. If a son comes into a clash with his father and his father’s mind is stronger than his, the son will go away quicker than the father. If you hate your mother, she will go away sooner. If your mother hates you, you will not live long. You shall love your mother, father, brother, and sister from a healthy point of view, because if you provoke them through your hatred, their thoughts toward you will destroy you. It is possible, when you hate and when you are hated, to fence yourselves constantly by prayers and formulas. In that case, it is better to use the law of Love and when it is recommended to love your fellow, it is for people to be healthy. If everybody loves each other in a family, diseases do not come in such a home. And if they come, they go away quickly. If we break our connections with the animals, our stomach system will upset right away, and as a result of this our state of health will change. Do not get rid of the animal in yourselves – the animals maintain the stomach system. You shall be sensible and create right relations with the animals. There are three worlds (animal, human and angelic), which are in a certain internal ratio, in a certain dependence. Hence, the stomach shall be in harmony with the lungs, and the lungs – with the brain. The sense is not in getting rid of the animal, but to regulate it, educate it, submit the lower desires and feelings to the higher ones. The reason for all ulcers in the stomach is always the lie. The lie changes the chemical composition of the blood and of the tissues of the organism. How is this change in the organism explained? By fear. When one lies, he begins to fear and this lie causes shrinking of the blood vessels, as well as of the tissues. Each surfeit in the physical, spiritual or mental world leads to satiation. Satiation is the reason for lots of painful states. It is said that man shall work more, but not too much. It is not allowed satiation in work, too. Man shall work until it is pleasant to him. Real work is the one, which organizes one’s powers. There is a state, which you do not realize, and it is the fact that you only take. You want only good, and you give nothing. In that case, evil is as a process of depriving you of what you take. You shall give, in order to clean yourself. You shall give, in order to rejuvenate. You shall give, in order to grow. You shall give, in order to be healthy. One, who loves, gives. God always gives. The Divine law means constant giving. Why do people become mad? When people are close, a clash happens between them. When they clash, their doppelgangers may entangle, because of which one of them may lose his mind. All, who lead vicious lives, get mad. Getting mad is allowable for a disturbed nervous system, for a vicious way of life. You shall know this. But, for a man, who has leaded a clean life, getting mad is absolutely impossible. The reason for getting mad of contemporary people is hidden in their past existences. Today they come upon a case for getting mad, but the actual reason is hidden in them. Sufferings, which contemporary people experience, are due to their gluttony. Sufferings show that each man has taken more of the goods than he needs. The neck shall not be full, because there are glands in it, which fulfill various functions and it shall not be fat, in order these glands to execute the work properly. If too many fats accumulate there, various chest diseases occur, the tonsils get ill and lots of other diseases, connected with the improper functioning of these glands, appear. Cancer, tumors, of which people suffer today, are due to opposition or controversial feelings, to disharmony between the cerebrum and the sympathetic nervous system, to vicious life, to greediness. A disease locates where gluttony is. It is needed deep internal unity, harmony, bathes with solar water, bathing in the violet color, onion to be eaten every day, as well as new tissue, new cells to be grafted in the same way, in which grafting is done with a tree. Men, women, children – they are all nervous. Why? Because of their crimes. “My mother has born me a neurasthenic” – some people say. No, you, with your vicious life, has created your neurasthenia. When does one become nervous? When he bears a larger load than his capabilities. What is the reason of neurasthenia? The outgoing of the doppelganger. The doppelganger often goes out 1-2 cm, and sometimes more. When it goes out more than it is necessary, one becomes extremely impatient. In order not to lose his temper, he shall armor himself. Mildness is armor for man. That is why I say: the more sensitive man becomes, the more milder language he shall have. Contemporary people have become neurasthenics, because they are often angry. I say: if you want to heal your neurasthenia, stop getting angry. How? You will apply your will. The upset of the liver causes lots of diseases. For example, neurasthenia is also due to an upset of the liver. Correct your liver, in order to correct your mind. The upset of the liver affects the mental abilities and man’s feelings, as well as his spiritual manifestations. Under liver I understand the activity of the lower worlds in man. The lower feelings influence the liver like the termites, which eat everything. Neurasthenia is due to cracks in the nervous system, from where the nervous energy flows outside. Fear also causes cracks in the nervous system. In order to get rid of neurasthenia, one shall stop the flowing-outs of the nervous energy. Many people get ill of neurasthenia due to the warmth, which certain types of feelings produce in the back part of the brain. This warmth affects badly the stomach system, as well as the lungs. The treatment of those people happens through turning of the thermal energy into magnetism, which raises the vital power of the organism. There are doctors – magnetizers, who liberate man from the harmful for the organism warmth. Water, taken in homeopathic dose, plays a major role in that treatment. If it enters in this way in the brain, it reduces the burning and one, who is ill, recovers. In order a treatment to be effective, the doctor shall have a diploma from the living nature, except the one from the medical faculty. And namely the powers of his organism shall be in harmony with the powers of the rational nature. If the feelings and desires of somebody are not satisfied, he becomes a neurasthenic. Put an obstacle in front of the realization of somebody’s strives and desires and you will see that soon he will become a neurasthenic. Remove the obstacle from his path, and neurasthenia will disappear. The larger the desires are, the bigger the sufferings are. When man’s desires are not regulated, anger comes: anger is energy, which is not used properly. Man is free until he accepts a desire in himself and it submits him. When he accepts it and begins to feed it, he loses his freedom. Each desire out of you is a manifestation of a creature, which stands lower or higher than you and influences you. If you connect to that desire, you connect to the creature, from which it comes and you cannot get rid of it for a long time. Each desire in man is a connection with other creatures, which live outside of him and that connection is not only external. It hides it roots deep in the human nature. Contemporary people complain of indisposition of the spirit, of exhaust, of nervousness. Which is the reason for these states? The reason is their numerous desires. They have many desires, and little soil. In order to grow up and give fruits, plant needs earth. If one does not know how to transform properly the energies of his lower desires, he may get ill. This disease will affect his feelings and his spiritual life. That is why, together with the anatomy and physiology of the physical body, one shall study the anatomy and physiology of the astral body. Diseases of contemporary people are due to not understanding of the law of transforming of the energies. You walk and wave with your arms, talk and wave with your arms. You shall cope with the unnatural movements. You knit your brows, purse your lips, narrow your eyes – with this unnatural movements you misrepresent your features. You worry and you frown and you cause harm to yourselves. When people are very nervous, more glucose remains in the blood. Joyful, well disposed people do not have glucose in the blood. The numerous desires also increase the blood glucose. Hairs have grown up under the influence of warmth. When warmth begins to decrease, hairs fall away and the head becomes bald. Hair fall is due to lack of warmth, which is connected with magnetism. Hair falls as a result of loss of magnetism, of many worries, of painful states, of heavy diseases. When the head begins to become bald, the mind gains mastery also over the heart, the brain is extremely active. Ungratefulness cripples and makes one look older prematurely, and gratefulness revives, raises and rejuvenates. Why do people get ill? Because they are ungrateful. What shall we do in order to recover? Apply gratefulness to your life. Be grateful for the smallest good, which is given to you. Sometimes, at a sin, 50-60 thousand cells may die, and other times – even up to 100 thousand cells. At a big worry, at big desperation, thousands of cells die in the organism. All mental diseases originate from the insufficiency of light. All heart diseases originate from the insufficiency of warmth. All diseases of the soul originate from the insufficiency of truth. Doubt is the one of the most dangerous parasites, which propagates quickly. Within 24 hours it is capable of poisoning man’s blood and after that he shall make big efforts in order to clean his blood again. Treatment shall start 20 years before the disease has appeared. Future doctors will treat ill people even before they have got ill. What kind of a disease is cancer and what is the reason for it? The reasons for the cancer are in the contrast of feelings. When somebody begins to lead a vicious life, he will by no means get ill of cancer. When man gives up the higher idea, which has inspired him in his life, he will by no means get a chest disease and he will become a pessimist. Tuberculosis appears in this way. The more unrestrained the feelings of somebody are, the weaker his memory is. Human memory weakens also because of big sufferings, of big fear and of strong mental shocks. One, who suffers of palpitation, is a haughty man. One, who suffers of stomachache, is also haughty. One, who suffers of headache, is vain. The reasons for the palpitation are psychic. These reasons have formed lots of poisons, which have entered the organism. They are alien elements, semiorganic substances, which have to go out of the organism. Palpitation is due to controversial thoughts, feelings and desires, which are useless for the heart. There are various methods for getting rid of them. One of the new ways for healing is music. There are pains, which can be healed by playing a violin, others – a guitar, a flute, etc. The various instruments has different effect on each separate man. You shall treat the heart by songs, which begin with the tone “C”, taken not by pitchfork, but the natural one. If the major tone “C” is taken correctly, man may obtain vital energy from the Sun and transfer it to all organs. When one, who is ill sings, he establishes conditions in himself for treatment. If you feel palpitation, this shows that there is bifurcation in your feelings. Palpitation is a result of a struggle between two feelings. Eliminate the struggle and palpitation will disappear. There is a danger of satiety while eating. In the same way, there is a danger of stupefying of feelings at big joy. The way human nervous system is created, it is not capable of withstanding the vibrations of the big higher joy, experienced by the higher creatures. If one comes upon the vibrations of such a joy, the nervous system, as well as his brain, will upset, because it is not fit for withstanding neither the higher, nor the lower vibrations of some creatures. With the efforts of the will, you will strengthen also your body. All organs will start to work well. The weakening of the will is a condition for a disease. Diseases are needed for strengthening of the will. If one organ develops at the expense of another one, if some cells rejuvenate at the expense of others, various diseases like cancer, tumor, etc. appear. When some abilities and feelings develop at the expense of others, the organism gets ill, too. The legs become cold with some people. Introduce love into yourself. You will have warmth even at the end of your toes. If your toes become cold, then your love has bankrupted. Incorrect feelings affect the circulation. If your feelings improve, it will also improve and thanks to that the arms and legs will also become warmer. The thing, which Bulgarians call “uroki” (a spell), is due to the fact that man has stepped on a blade of grass or a plant, by which he has caused harm to it. Nowadays people are afraid of all epidemic diseases, and are not afraid of the sins and crimes, which are the reasons for these diseases. The first reason for the anomalies in life is the unnatural food, which you put in your stomachs. God has made man to eat fruits, and you eat meat. The meat diet has introduced such poisons in your organism, that it is an assembly of impurities today. If you had uncorrupted sense of smell, you should run away from each other – such a stink comes out of those, who eat meat. If somebody is ailing, the first condition for him to get better is to improve his food. Fruits and meat contain different elements, which evoke two different states, which will produce two different results in the far future of our lives. Contemporary people suffer when they eat meat. Only one microscopic part of the food is assimilated, and the other part is an excess. This excess shall be thrown outside. All diseases nowadays are due to that excess, and in spite of that everybody preach that more food is needed. No, man needs less food and it shall be accepted and assimilated so that the least possible excess to remain from it. When food is not digested well, blood is not being well purified either. Then semiorganic matter accumulates round the joints in the form of sediments. These improper things in the organism create indisposition of the spirit, pessimism. In order not to fall into pessimism, through the power of your will, work for the improvement of your stomach system. If today people are ill, nervous, suffering, this is partly because of the food they eat. They get benefit of the fruits of the earth, which is saturated with the blood of thousands and millions of victims – people and animals. The earth is saturated with human blood and it shall be cleaned. It may be cleaned only when it passes through the Divine fire – the fire of love. Neurasthenia of today’s people is due to the enormous consumption of meat. The only healthy food for today’s people is the vegetarian one. It makes milder his rough nature. In future mankind will reach such a degree of development that they will be able to obtain the needed nourishing substances directly from the living nature and that food will be clean, perfect and completely healthy. At that phase of development, there will be no animals on the Earth. When one eats unnatural food, lots of sediments gather in him. They attract the bacilli of various diseases – cholera, plague, classical typhus and others. Not all people, however, die of those diseases, because their blood is clean. One, who is clean, never gets ill. One, who is clean and has faith, may walk amongst choleric people and gets ill of nothing. If one suffers from ill stomach, no matter how little food he takes, part of it can be never digested and is accumulated in the form of semiorganic substances round the joints and round the vertebrae of the backbone and causes complications in the organism. According to medicine, these are “rheumatic diseases”, and in a spiritual language – “spiritual thorns”. When food is not well digested, it does not penetrate in blood and it cannot feed cells. It accumulates in the form of sediments round the joints, as well as in the capillaries - this is the reason for one, who gets ill of rheumatic fever. The longer food stays in the mouth, the easier part of the nourishing substances and of the food are absorbed. In this way they go directly in the nervous system. Those juices, which are not absorbed in the mouth, go directly to the stomach, where complete digestion takes place. What is the reason for the headache? The reason is eating of hardly digestible food, which leaves excesses in the stomach. Then the stomach is not cleaned properly, as a result of which headache appears, and the stomach and the mouth begin to stink. The reason for the headache hides in the small and large intestines. When they are not in good shape, man suffers of headache. In order to cope with the headache, first he shall put his legs in hot water, and after that clean his intestines. When he unburdens his intestines and stomach, the headache stops. Dizziness hides its reasons in the stomach. Sometimes you feel heaviness in your stomach, but you do not know the reason for that. If you are acquainted with the functions of the sympathetic nervous system, you will understand that this heaviness, that indisposition in the stomach zone is related to your feelings, to your sympathetic nervous system. You have eaten some food, the vibrations of which does not correspond to the ones of your sympathetic nervous system, as a result of which certain disharmony appears. When this painful state goes away in a way, you begin to feel mental indisposition. Hence, the pain has transferred to the head, in the temporal zone, where you feel big tension. That is why one shall be careful about what he eats and what food is needed for his organism. Surfeit is a blockage of the nervous system, and from there circulation becomes improper and the brain energy does not flow out and come in properly. Then a process of hardening of the joints occurs, at which they lose their plasticity. Finally the human spirit is forced to leave the body. Bulgarians suffer of surfeit. If they eat less, everything will get better. When one eats, he shall reach to 20 bites and stop there. Diseases are caused by the inert matter in man, but behind that matter a rational creature is hidden – good or bad. Some diseases destroy the human organism, and others purify it. You will say that you do not see the rational creature that hides behind the inert matter. This is another matter. You see that somebody is stabbed by knife and falls down. The knife is the inert matter, but the hand of a rational creature, which directs the knife, hides behind it. Rational creatures also hide behind the microbes, which cause various diseases and which affect the man in such a way that they create conditions, at which bacteria develop. In order to be able to guess which food is clean and healthy, watch for its effect on your thoughts, feelings and deeds. If the food introduces a certain decrease of the mental life of somebody, it is not hygienic. For example, people like pork meat, they eat it with pleasure, but it introduces such thoughts and moods, of which it is hard to get rid. Food affects mainly weak people with unorganized powers. It cannot influence much rational people. They know what food to eat. In order to restore your memory, you shall liberate the brain of the accumulated in it lactic acid. How to get rid of it? By cleaning of the brain, of the blood in the whole organism. It is achieved by change of the food, by clean thoughts, by clean feelings and deeds. The reason for the diseases hides in the blocked pores. The diseases occur in the zone of the organism, where blockage occurs. The organism does not bear any unclean things, any alien substances. If such unclean things gather somewhere, the organism gets ill. Each disease aims at liberating the organism from the alien substances. If any of the small channels in the backbone is blocked, one loses his vitality. The backbone has the property of absorbing the prana (or the vital energy) from the air and transfer it to the entire organism. When the circulation of somebody is not normal, the carbon accumulates in the organism in the form of carbon dioxide and makes it unclean. When the electrical and magnetic energy does not flow properly in the human organism, then an excess of nitrogen accumulates in the nervous system, as a result of which the organism is blocked, which impedes the functions of the respiratory system. If the eyes become yellow, the liver does not function well. The liver is related to the digestion. Digestion – to circulation, and blood cleanness depends on the latter. Unclean blood blurs the mind, distorts thinking. The coldness of the legs is due to unclean blood in the organism. Unclean blood produces electricity in the organism, and the clean one - magnetism. Electricity produces cold, and magnetism - warmth. The more unclean one’s blood is, the worse he is. By purifying your blood by deep breathing, you will find a way for purifying of your thoughts. Diseases are due to unclean blood and unclean food, which introduces unclean things in the stomach, which gradually poison the blood. The unclean blood bears diseases, causes indisposition, pessimism, laziness. One, who has clean blood, distinguishes with much energy and liveliness. One, who breaths through the mouth, cannot be healthy. By studying the processes of the human organism, you notice that some of the energies go out of the center of each cell and go outside in the space. Other energies come from outside and direct to the center of the cell. The place, where these energies meet, the activity in life is performed. If one of these flows of energies (the external or the internal) is blocked, various painful states occur in the organism. Each blockage destroys the normal circulation. As long as the circulation is not normal, the organism is exposed to various diseases. The accumulation of solar energy in some parts of the body in larger quantity creates lots of painful states for the rest organs. In general, the organs, that get ill, are deprived of the needed quantity of energy. In order they to be healed, the needed energy has to be transferred to them mentally. You have to study the laws of transforming the energy of one organ into another. All diseases of the organism are due to the not equal distribution of the energies in it, as a result of which the circulation is not normal. Why do we suffer of headache? The headache is due to accumulation of cosmic energies in the brain. The form of today’s people is nothing but prana in movement. When the prana is not equally distributed in the human body, diseases occur, and when the prana is not equally distributed in feelings, dissatisfaction occurs, when prana is not equally distributed in thoughts, senselessness is born. Physical roughening begins with roughening of the skin, which is a conductor of the vital energies in nature. When the skin roughens, the flow of these energies becomes improper and one gets ill. Skin roughening does not mean tanning, cracking or hardening. The symptoms are other. If we are able to look with the eyes of a clairvoyant at the nerves and arteries of a neurasthenic, we will see cracks at lots of places, out of which the energy flows away. Such a man is weak. What are the reasons for that? First of all, these are the unbridled human passions. The reason for getting insane is due to the fact that both parts of the brain are positive or negative. In order one to be in normal state, positive energy shall flow in one of the brain hemispheres, and in the other - negative. When one becomes too sharp, i.e. too electrical, mildness shall be applied to the left part of his brain, i.e. magnetism. If you put your hand on the head of a healthy man, you will feel two flows: one warm and one cold. However, if you put your hand on the head of an unstable man, you will feel only one warm flow. In order to help himself, he shall ask a friend of his, to put his hand on his head in order to regulate the energies of his brain. Aim at transforming the excessive energy in yourselves, especially the one in the back part of the brain. That energy is the reason for almost all diseases, for all negative states. Sometimes that energy gathers behind the ears, as well as round the temporal zone and make one nervous, irritable, ready to be cross and take offence at the smallest thing. One of the reasons for neurasthenia is the weak connection between the human organism and the solar energies. If you strengthen that connection, the neurasthenia will disappear. One, who is connected to the Sun, leads a good, rational, and moral life. Through self-control, one assimilates the excessive energy of his organism. The neurasthenic, however, cannot assimilate that excessive energy in himself, as a result of which it disperses, flows out. Neurasthenia is due to cracks in the nervous system, from where the nervous energy flows out. Fear also evokes cracks in the nervous system, which causes outflow of nervous energy. In order to get rid of neurasthenia, one shall stop the outflow of nervous energy. Which is the reason for the diseases? The reason is the weakening of the vital energy of somebody, at which it turns into potential and passive. In order to cure himself, one shall turn the potential energy into kinetic one. This can be achieved through various medications, which stimulate the passive energy. Sometimes Bulgarians treat the fever by splashing the ill person with cold water. In this way they produce a strong reaction and if the passive energy turns into active one, the ill person recovers. Cough is a cold, and the cold shows that the organism has lost its initial vital power or the vibrations, at which the health may manifest. Raise your thought toward God, contact Him and the cough will disappear. There is only one Doctor in the world. All the rest are only His assistants. Cough always comes from demagnetization of the organism. Demagnetization may be partial or total. If one organ gets ill, it gets demagnetized. The throat, lungs or the entire body may be demagnetized. Then we feel one big weakness and the magnetism of the organism shall be restored. If you catch a cold, look for the reason of the disease. You will see that the reason is hidden in the superiority of the negative energies in the organism. And then it remains nothing else, but to transform them into positive. Hence, each disease is due to an excess of negative energies. If you cannot turn them into positive, find a vent, from where the excess to flow out. The negative energy in the organism is an invited guest, of which you shall get rid. When the energies of the human organism strive to the center of the Earth, it gets ill. In order to recover, these energies shall turn to the center of the Sun. If man’s doppelganger goes out and comes in normally, the stomach works well; the brain is in good shape, and man is healthy. Most of the indispositions are due to an anomaly in the brain. That is why your first task is to regulate the brain energies so that they to flow properly. Put your hand often over the head or run your fingers through the hair from up to down in the way you comb. Many diseases are due to tension, caused by the natural electricity or by the magnetism on certain organs. For example, somebody complains of headache, of heartache, or of lung aches. These aches are due to the pressure, which the atmospheric electricity exerts on these organs. One shall know in what way to transform the excessive energies in his organism. Sometimes magnetism in human organism is more than it is needed, as a result of which he experiences certain painful states. By studying his organism, one comes to a position to understand that many of his painful states are due to atmospheric influences. When water decreases, human life decreases, too. The changes, which happen on the Earth, happen also with the human body. A big part of the body is water. Many people suffer of lack of water in the organism. Water is the reason for the warmth of organism. The lack of water cools the organism. On the other hand, too much water heats it up. Lack of water in the organism makes one nervous and dry. He begins to annoy, becomes sharp and ready to be angry and arguing with everyone. How nervousness can be influenced? Through hot water. Take a glass of hot water and drink spoon by spoon. During that time watch after which spoon you will get calm. If you do not have hot water, you can make the experiment with cold water. When in the organism gathers much water, which cannot be assimilated, it produces many diseases: dropsy, pleurisy and others. It is noticed that some diseases are caused by an excess quantity of water in the body. To get rid of the excess water, doctors put one under such conditions, at such heat, at which the excess water to evaporate. If iron is in excess, the human body needs to be put in such mental conditions, in which iron melts and evaporates. Constipation is due to deficiency of water in the blood. Chestache - deficiency of warmth in feelings. When human feelings are warm, legs, hands and his whole body is warm, as a result of which he feels in good spirits. All diseases are caused by disharmony between the sympathetic and brain systems. I say: Is the nervous system the one, which is upset? It is not upset, but blocked. I have a stomachache. Why? Those nerves of the spinal cord, through which the energy goes to the stomach and abdomen, are blocked. Expose your backbone to Sun, in order your nerves to unblock. If they do not unblock, the pains will inevitably follow you. Diseases are due to deficiency of energy. Blockages occur not only in the physical body, but in the other bodies, too. The power, contained in the nitrogen, is associated with the nervous system and brain. Therefore, when nitrogen begins to decrease, anxiety is born in people. The fact that some people get mad or are seized by apoplexy is due to the lack of nitrogen – of its powers in brain substance, blood circulation is not proper, more blood comes to the head, which cannot be withdrawn back and it blocks certain centers, causing a strike and these blocked centers or organs are paralyzed. Diseases, which attack people, are due to past and present sins. Nothing remains unpunished. Microbes that plague human organism today are nothing else, but the poison of fear, of hatred that cattle, chickens, lambs have felt toward man when he killed them. Is this possible? It is possible. In the way an insulting word may poison and destroy the human organism, in the same way fear and hatred of animals, which man kills, poison his organism. Know that microbes, which stack in human organism, are those, to which he has a certain predisposition. They become partners with him and begin to draw on his energy. Imperceptibly, he gets ill and becomes a victim. It is impossible for a microbe, with which you are in a disagreement, to stack into you. The greater the quantity of gold in the blood is, the more healthy one is. Diseases are due to insufficient quantity of gold in the blood of people. To increase this gold, one shall lead a clean and noble life. Gold is a symbol of the Sun, of the energy, of the health, of purity. Many diseases are caused by lack of organic gold in the blood. Weakness and anemia are due to insufficient quantity of iron in the blood. When the human mind is still, it shows that he has less phosphorus in his blood. If iron is predominant in the blood, it produces a kind of thoughts, if copper predominates – another kind of thoughts. In general, each element - iron, copper, tin, lead, silver, gold - produces a specific effect on the thoughts and feelings of people. Any disorder in the physical body, either in its sympathetic system or in its nervous one, shows that there is a lack of an element in the blood. This element is provided not only by food, but by thoughts and feelings. If you have a look at the hand of man, as a clairvoyant, around it, you will notice a light, mobile hand, which is a doppelganger of the physical one. As long as the doppelganger of the human hand acts correctly, the physical hand is normal. If the doppelganger is crippled somehow, the physical hand will be crippled, too. Not only the hand, but the whole human body has a specific doppelganger. If the doppelganger separates prematurely from the physical man totally or partially, various mutilations, diseases, etc. appear. The total or partial paralysis is due to premature separation of the doppelganger from the physical body of somebody. The premature separation of the doppelganger is due to incorrect adoption of the natural energies through the hands and feet. The main reason of diseases is due to the disharmony between the doppelganger and the physical body. In the front part of the brain there are a particular kind of brain white threads, through which the activity of human consciousness, which is related to the doppelganger, manifests. The doppelganger is a device, by which the powers of nature manifest. The physical body lives thanks to its doppelganger and if the relationship between the body and the doppelganger are not correct and harmonious, lots of diseases occur. If someone faints, you shall know that the relation between the doppelganger and the body has lost for a moment, the connection has been broken. Sufferings, especially with spiritual people, are due to their great sensitiveness, to the fact that the ether, astral doppelganger goes out more than it is needed, as a result of which it receives more impressions and, of course, suffers more. The whole man’s body, outside and inside, is wrapped with a special matter, called matrix. When the matrix is healthy, one feels well. He is in good spirits, healthy and strong. If the matrix cracks, lots of chemical processes happen in the human body, which affect it painfully. As long as one keeps unnatural thoughts and feelings or if he doubts, suspects, speaks evil, his matrix may always crack. Many of the human painful states and bad spirits are due to the shrinking of capillaries. The shrinking and expansion of capillaries happens under the influence of electricity and magnetism. One should live a normal life, respect the laws of nature, in order great shrinking of the capillaries not to happen. What kind of thoughts and feelings cause shrinking of the capillaries? Negative ones. So, every evil thought, every bad feeling, and every bad deed narrows the capillaries and interrupts the flows of electricity and magnetism in the human organism. Electricity and magnetism move along certain lines. They have a specific rhythm. When the lines of movement and rhythm change, certain disharmony establishes in the organism and we say that somebody is ill. Aim at harmonious movements of the eyes, hands, and of the whole body. Beware of disharmonious movements as of unnatural and alien ones. Beware of imitations. Disharmonious movements upset the organism in the same way, in which bad and spoilt food does. Watch small children up to the age of 6 or 7. Their movements are quite correct, natural, but between the ages of 7 and 14, their movements become artificial. They cause various diseases. Man does not know how to walk properly yet. While walking, he shakes, as a result of which a concussion occurs in the spinal cord. This concussion is transferred to the brain, and from there, to the entire nervous system. After all that, people are wondering why they are nervous. Eyes weaken when one does not make the needed exercises. Many people do not watch as they should. They open their eyes widely. They stare, but it is not watching. It is correct, when you want to see something, not to spin your head to one side and to another, but to move your eyes. You shall move your eyes up, down, sideways, in the direction, where the observed object is. The reason of cold is poor breathing. Whoever catches a cold, he should know that there is a deviation in his breathing – the breathing is not rhythmic, as a result of which not enough quantity of air is received. When breathing improves, the cold will disappear. Nature warns one through cold that he shall work. If you disregard that warning, it sends him fever. Someone complains that he cannot breathe freely and that his heart does not beat normally. He calls doctors, drinks drugs, but nothing helps. The reason is in the diaphragm. It has raised and presses the stomach, the lungs and heart and the entire organism suffers in this way. Therefore, breathe deeply in order your lungs to be filled up with air and the diaphragm to adjust. You suffer because you are not in harmony with colors. Which is the reason for diseases? The absence of a color in man. If he lacks the red color of love, the yellow color of wisdom or the blue color of truth, he will by no means be ailing. Therefore, in order not to be ailing, you have to introduce these colors both in your organisms and your psyches, i.e. in your sensual and mental lives. The science of the future humanity, which is the science of the sixth race, will begin exactly with the law of coordination. Every organ in man must be coordinated with all other organs. In accordance with the law of coordination it is determined man to cover 2-3-5-10 km per day. If he is scared and does not accomplish what nature has determined to him, it will not be long before it imposes a fine for failure in obeying its laws. In addition, nature has determined man to eat clean and simple food. Furthermore, it is determined how many times per minute man has to breathe. Some people take in air promiscuously, breathe unevenly, as a result of which there is no coordination between the other organs, either. If there is no complete coordination between all organs, lots of painful states will occur.
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