Music and Songs from Master Beinsa Douno |
Master Beinsa Douno on music:Music has not yet been studied from a philosophical point of view, and people do not realize its true nature and value. At the same time, the music is greatest, deepest and extensive science of life. When people open themselves and study its driving forces and laws, and when start applying them in their daily lives, they will start their proper development and improvement. Most higher power and most reasonable laws of nature operate through music. Each tone represents the sum of a set of forces acting in harmony, providing a huge impact on the thoughts, feelings, aspirations and actions of man. If people knew the nature of the forces acting in a certain tone, and understand their particular impact on the human psyche, they would know how to create their own songs and have a wonderful results in life. Then they would write each piece of music or song with a clearly defined goal, after referring to the results that follow its implementation. When the goal and purpose of the song are clear, it will be easy to determine its way - major or minor. Contemporary artists are subject to the established traditional forms and rules, and his compositions are making only the best harmony and melody, which is only a preparatory stage. The musicians of the future should be based on the achievements of musical art, investing in their work even more content, meaning and purpose. This will be possible when people cease to perceive music just as a means of entertainment and a source of pleasure, and are aware of its role as a great creative force in nature and human life. What we need now - a new understanding and new knowledge of the principles of music and its elements. So for example, is far from enough to know the exact number of vibrations of each tone to distinguish it from others. Need to know more, that the tone of Do refers to the vital energy in nature, and when one listens to him, he is associated with this energy, the tone of Re refers to the human personality, and when a person listens to it, it awakens the individual consciousness, the tone of Sol awakens in man the lofty aspirations and dreams of a great life, the tone of La gives the human mind and the breadth of scope for the flight of his thought, the tone of Ti refers to the human senses. When people learn this deep and comprehensive science of music and realize its great importance in nature and human life, then it will serve for educational and medical purposes. Until now, however, none of the European nations did not realize the great value of music and did not try to apply it in education. Songs with music and text from Master Beinsa Dounoperformed by Ognian Nikolov, Simeon Simeonov and Brothers choir, Canada
performed by Joanna Strateva and Bojidar
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